Backgrounding Processes in Linux

This is a post mostly for self-reference:

When you start a really long process (say, a backup) and forget to run it under a screen instance or using &, you can pause the process and resume it in the background with a couple of commands:

$ ./my_backup_script
[1]+  Stopped                 ./my_backup_script
$ bg 1
[1]+ ./my_backup_script &
$ disown -r

Running disown is important, because it tells the process to continue running after you close your current session.

Forcing file downloads with Apache, mod_rewrite, and mod_headers

The Problem: A link to a QuickTime file normally results in the Quicktime plugin opening the file within the browser, which is unhelpful for the user who wants to download the file.

The Solution: While a right-click ‚"Save As" is intuitive for the technical user, it makes life difficult for some.The easy solution is to send a Content-Disposition header using an .htaccess file:

Header set Content-Disposition attachment

This is fine, except it will always try to force the user to download the file, which might not be desirable. The solution to this is to use mod_rewrite and environmental variables to conditionally force the download:
In ./download/.htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.*) ../$1 [L,NC,QSA,E=force_download:1]

In ./.htaccess

Header set Content-Disposition attachment env=REDIRECT_force_download

Now, when a user browses to, the QuickTime plugin will perform its default action, and when the user goes to, they will be prompted to download the file.