Highlights from public television websites
When creating the comprehensive gallery of station website (and wrote about in my last post), I wanted to encourage a conversation about what makes a good public media websites (c.f. this XKCD comic about university websites). In this first analysis post (which is highly subjective and incomplete), I will draw out some highlights from a quick pass of public television home pages (a radio run-down will come later -- the television corpus is significantly smaller and easier to digest).
In general, the sites I liked the most had a mix of good design aesthetic, highlighted local content, and had some element of current-ness (I had the good fortune of capturing television websites on August 31, the night of President Obama's press conference on Iraq, which gives some insight into how connected the website is to programming, outreach, and communication plans.)
You can see all the public television station websites in the gallery, and add your own tags and ratings if you register. [EDIT: Also check out my other posts in this series, including a how+why for the technically inclined. ]