To ease the transition from the previous incarnation of this blog (a shared blog) to a more focused, personal blog, I used the Wordpress Import/Export feature to transfer all of my own posts into the new Wordpress instance. In order not to disrupt other contributors and leave the old history intact, I whipped up this quick plug-in to redirect requests for my posts to the new blog:
Plugin Name: Author posts redirect
Plugin URI:
Description: Redirect an author's posts to a new url.. 
Version: 0.0a
Author: Chris Beer
Author URI:

add_action('the_post', 'redirect_author_post');

function redirect_author_post($post) {
  if($post->post_author == 2 && is_single()) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
    header('Location: ' . str_replace('', '', $post->guid ));