Earlier this week, Matt Mastracci released his video4all project, which replaces the HTML5 <video> element with a flowplayer-based alternative for non-compatible browsers. Independently, I've been working on bringing the HTML5 javascript API to some video plugins using a javascript wrapper. At this point it is still very basic, but hopefully proves useful or interesting. I've created a basic flowplayer version, which currently requires the Prototype javascript library (although should trivially port to the flowplayer subset). This layer supports functionality like play/pause, volume control, seeking/currentTime and metadata as well as more advanced features like cue ranges. Error states and events are not yet supported. Here is a very basic demo that demonstrates play/pause and seeking to a time. I've only tested this in Safari 4/Firefox 3.5, but I believe it should work in earlier versions. There is some __getter_/__setter__ javascript which likely fails in Internet Explorer (although I am aware of a project that offers a workaround, I haven't tried it out yet).